Welcome to SkyDemon

We make the best VFR flight-planning and navigation software in the world, and we can't wait to show it to you.

Try our software free for 30 days to see how SkyDemon can make your life easier. Works on iPad, Android, iPhone and PC.

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The Queen's Awards for Enterprise
We are proud winners of awards in both the Innovation and International Trade categories, and are the only company in our industry to have received such recognition.


Our flight-planning features make planning your flights easy, quick and fun. We bring you all the information you need and present it intuitively around our own vector charts, which are the clearest in the industry.

Overlay a personalised weather forecast on the map suitable for your own flying preferences. Read a clear NOTAM briefing and clearly visualise what temporary hazards exist. Compare airfield notes with other pilots and prepare a comprenehsive briefing pack for your flight.

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This application is probably one of the most significant contributions to flight safety in recent years. Simply using the tool for flight planning and navigation, by definition, very likely improves the airmanship of every user.
Steve Skyes
I am using SkyDemon all the time these days and I have to say it is absolutely brilliant! Intuitive, rock stable, regular updates that work seamlessly, and all in all an amazing upgrade compared to any other product I used before.
Simon Mansbridge
I fly VFR from Thruxton. Last week I flew to Stockholm, stopping in Denmark in both directions. For the first time, my paper charts stayed in my flight bag. The detail in SkyDemon renders both them and my onboard GPS redundant for all intents and purposes for VFR flight.
Anthony Biddulph